SO I had my first scentsy party on Saturday. Jamie was my hostess. She decided to do a wine theme party. So we had lots of wine, cheeses, celery and other snacks. We did a girls night out party. She also had her cousin there who is a consulant for Mary Kay. All was well until a few people had to leave. Two of them left really aprubtly..which was strange...suuure drink all the wine and leave! LOL Well anyways it was a great turn out we had about 10 girls there, but poor Jamie only got 2 orders only reaching like $75. I felt SO bad!! We are gonna keep the party open until Friday cause there are a few people who ar still suppose to order. So I hope they do so Jamie can get lots of free Scentsys! Ok well on to my pics cause my display looked SO damn cute!! LOL
A little update: Jamie ended up getting a whopping $360 in orders!!! She got an awesome amount of Scentsy Hostess Rewards! I am so glad it all worked out well!!